silence is key

March 16, 2011

Can you be quiet for a moment? Sit still for 10 minutes? Can you enjoy just being for a second?

I thought a lot about this last night when it was 11.2opm and I knew I could still squeeze in 30 minutes of something before I went to bed. Why do we do this? I was going crazy looking for a new show or documentary I could stream. I had already done my nails and read the news. And then… a thought. I could do a meditation prayer before going to sleep, but it would require some patience and silence. Absolutely not. I can’t right now, right? Or could I? Why was I so opposed to being still for a moment?

For some reason, our generation avoids pain and boredom at all costs. But sometimes they are simply a right of passage to get to where we are going.

It’s difficult to grow unless we allow the pain of a break up or a crisis to release itself. It’s difficult to notice the thoughts that are driving your life unless you freaking sit down for 5 minutes and shut the hell up.

Lena Horne said ” It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way that you carry it.” Have you thought about how you are carrying yourself?

Take some time today. Yes, I know its not the nicest request but really, really relax and try to go blank.  You can do it on the way home or before going to sleep. I’ll tell you now, you won’t be able to zone everything out but… you might learn what thoughts are keeping your brain going while you aren’t listening.

The first time I did this I was surprised to find a very negative theme in my thoughts. They revolved around self-doubt. This was something I needed to address and have been for the past few weeks. It’s made a huge difference in the way I’m handling my unemployment, my job search and my recent break up. I still smile, rarely cry, and am very positive about my outlook. Can you say the same? Could you be as positive in my shoes?

Try it out this week. 5 minutes everyday. You might learn something about the way you are carrying your load.